Hearing Therapists Association of New Zealand Code of Ethics

Hearing Therapists provide a comprehensive aural rehabilitation service for adults with hearing impairment and their families / whanau.

The aim of Hearing Therapy is to facilitate the use of any device, procedure, information, interaction or therapy which lessens the communicative and psychosocial consequences of a hearing loss, minimise barriers to communication arising from hearing impairment, and to facilitate the individual’s adjustment to the psychological impact of living with hearing impairment.

Towards these ends members of the Association recognise that they are ethically responsible to:

  1. Their hearing impaired clients and families.
  2. Other professionals.
  3. Volunteers who are receiving training and supervision.
  4. Themselves, both personally and professionally.

It is understood that ethical behaviour should not result from edict but from personal commitment on the part of the individual as a professional. In any situation the course of action chosen is expected to be consistent with the ethical values either stated or implied herein.

Therapists shall hold paramount the welfare of their client group and families with whom we work.

Therapists shall maintain objectivity, integrity and competence in meeting the highest standard of their profession.

Therapists shall have an obligation to work with their client group and families regardless of their individual differences including culture, gender, or medical/psychological status. 

Therapists shall respect the privacy of their clients and families and shall maintain confidentiality of information concerning them, not withstanding appropriate professional intercommunication.

Therapists shall promote the development of their profession by continuous efforts to improve the professional services which they provide in the health care setting and in the wider community.

Therapists shall continually seek knowledge which will update and enhance their understanding of health care and social issues affecting our client group, by attending relevant training e.g. seminars and conferences.

Therapists engaged in study and research shall be guided by the conventions of scholarly inquiry and shall recognise their responsibility for ethical practice in research.

Therapists have an obligation to engage only in those areas in which they are qualified and not to represent themselves otherwise, but to make appropriate referrals with due regard for the special competencies of the other members of the health care team.

Therapists shall act with respect for the duties, competencies and needs of their colleagues in other health related professions and shall maintain the utmost integrity in all dealings with the institutions or organisations which employ them.

Therapists shall recognise the potential for personal problems, needs and conflicts to interfere with their professional effectiveness and shall use integrity to assess and amend any situations which may result in disharmony, inadequate performance or the using of their client group and families to meet personal needs.

Therapists shall recognise that their own financial gain should never take precedence over the delivery of services.

Therapists who are responsible for the supervision and training of others shall assume responsibility for teaching ethical values and providing optimal learning experiences.

Therapists shall not engage in illegal conduct nor act with impropriety which may compromise or impede the fulfilment of their professional responsibilities.