Who can see a Hearing Therapist

Whaikaha funded services:

The Whaikaha currently funds a FREE Aural Rehabilitation Service (Hearing Therapy) for anyone 16 years and over, who is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. Your Way | Kia Roha currently holds the contract for this service and employs Hearing Therapists throughout New Zealand

To find your local Your Way | Kia Roha Hearing Therapist click here

To find a audiologist click here

Private Practice:

Some Hearing Therapists who are members of HTANZ work in private practice. For an updated list, please contact HTANZ

How much does it cost to see a Hearing Therapist
How can I get information on the most suitable equipment for my hearing loss and needs

Contact your local Hearing Therapist who can assess your hearing needs and discuss possible options with you. Although hearing aids can only be fitted by an audiologist, a Hearing Therapist can advise you on how to use your hearing aids effectively. Also your Hearing Therapist can advise you about other types of hearing assistive equipment, and whether they might be suitable for you (see the next two questions).

Is there any funding available for hearing aids or other equipment to assist people with hearing loss

Yes. A Hearing Therapist can provide information on funding of hearing aids and other equipment.

Some Hearing Therapists are Accredited Assessors for Hearing Assistive Technology, funded by the Whaikaha, through two independent organizations called Enable NZ and Accessable. These Hearing Therapists are required to be full members of the Hearing Therapists Association of New Zealand (HTANZ), work within the HTANZ Scope of Practice and abide by the HTANZ Code of Ethics.

Where can I find telephones that will work with my hearing aids

Hearing Therapists can recommend suitable telephones to meet your hearing needs and can also teach you how to use telephones with your hearing aids.

Tinnitus – what is it, and can I get help to cope with it

Tinnitus is the awareness of sound in the ears or head that does not come from an outside source. It may be perceived as one or more sounds. Common sounds include cicadas, ringing, high pitched squealing or hissing.

Hearing Therapists can provide information about tinnitus, suggest ways to manage it and refer you to other health professionals if necessary.

What assistance is available for an elderly person

A Hearing Therapist can advise on options to assist an elderly person to manage hearing loss. This may include different ways to manage communication, advice about suitable amplified and alerting devices, management of hearing aids and information on funding options.

My father’s hearing aids sit in his top drawer and we have to shout at him. What can we do to help him hear

If he agrees to meet with a Hearing Therapist, then the Hearing Therapist can talk through with him why he is not wearing hearing aids, what his hearing needs are and discuss options to help him to hear better.

Why does my hearing aid whistle and what can be done to prevent it

There are a number of reasons why hearing aids whistle and the problem can be prevented. A Hearing Therapist can teach you how to manage hearing aids, including management of whistling, so you can get the most out of them.

What other services/organisations have accredited assessors who can assess hearing needs

Other services which have accredited assessors for hearing needs include:

How do I become a Hearing Therapist

Your Way | Kia Roha is currently the only provider of training for the National Diploma in Hearing Therapy.

For information on how to become a Hearing Therapist, click here.

If I am a Hearing Therapist, why should I become a member of Hearing Therapists Association of New Zealand (HTANZ)

HTANZ is the professional organisation for Hearing Therapists in New Zealand. Its purpose is to promote the knowledge and practice of Hearing Therapy, including research in Hearing Therapy.

Accredited Assessors for Hearing Assistive Technology funded by the Whaikaha are required to be full members of HTANZ, work within the HTANZ Scope of Practice and abide by the HTANZ Code of Ethics.

HTANZ has representatives on several national working groups associated with hearing loss.

If I am a Hearing Therapist, how do I become a member of HTANZ

Click here for membership information